CoC Working Definitions

AHAR-Annual Homeless Assessment Report
Report that goes to congress with a bed count to bed utilization ratio

APR-Annual Performance Report
A function of HUD reporting, a report due 90 days after a completed contract

CDBG-Community Development Block Grant
HUD funding to state and entitlement communities (Jackson is an entitlement community) Funding used for development, suitable housing, and economic opportunities for targeted and low to moderate-income neighborhoods.  There is typically a 15% set aside for public service programs and projects

CH-Chronically Homelessness
Having 12 months of continued homelessness or 4 episodes totaling 12 months over a 3 year time frame. Requirement by HUD for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)

CoC-Continuum of Care
Community group of organizations and stakeholders charged with ending homelessness.  A County Continuum of Care is required to receive MSHDA and HUD funding

CE-Coordinated Entry or Coordinated Assessment
Process for entry into housing assistance. Formerly may have been called POE or Point of Entry. MSHDA’s HARA (Housing Assessment and Resource Agency) is a form of Coordinated Entry.

DHHS-Department of Health and Human Services

Diversion (ex. Eviction Diversion, Shelter Diversion)
Concept of keeping people from experiencing a housing crisis (utilized with prevention and SSO-Supportive Services Only)

ESG-Emergency Solutions Grant
Federal housing program, in our community we receive this through MSHDA.

ESP-Emergency Shelter Program
Federal funds for homeless shelters. In our community we receive this through DHHS

Electronic reporting and filing system, web based.  HUD grant requirement.  Part of Homeless Assistance Application and Grants Management System. (does not appear to be actual acronym)

EXHIBIT I-Related to HUD (Now called the CoC application)
Required document for HUD grant submission, includes goals and previous year outcomes.

Required for state funding, MSHDA grant application submission component-includes summary of ESG money, information on CoC system performance, and plan for ending homelessness.

FEMA-Federal Emergency Management Agency
Food assistance and other disaster relief programs

FMR-Fair Market Rent

FMV-Fair market value

FSR-Financial Status Report
MSHDA financial report

FSS-Family Self Sufficiency
MSHDA program designed for people on Housing Choice Vouchers to become self sufficient

HALO-Homeless Assistance Link Online
One of two on-line reporting systems used by MSHDA

HARA-Housing Assistance and Resource Agency
Previous Single Point of Entry, part of coordinated entry

HARP-Homeless Assistance Recovery Program (now HCV with homeless preference)
MSHDA funded voucher program targeting homeless with unfunded mandated case management and lead agency component

HCV-Housing Choice Voucher
Also known as Section 8, voucher to obtain subsidized housing

HEARTH-Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing
Act of congress that contains all federal housing regulation

HIC-Homeless Inventory Count
Report that summarizes utilization of all program beds and units. Submitted to HUD with the PIT count annually.

HMIS-Homeless Management Information System
Statewide database that housing funders require homeless data to be entered into. 

HDX-HUD Data Exchange
HUD Reporting system for the PIT/HIC, AHAR, and System Performance Measures

HUD-US Dept of Housing and Urban Development
Federal housing regulatory body 

IL-Income Limit

ITB-Intent to Bid

LIHTC-Low Income Housing Tax Credit

LIHEAP-Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Department of Health and Human Services funding through MDHHS for deliverable fuels, utilities, wood, and coal

A body of laws regarding homelessness.  Allows youth to attend school and accommodations to be made to maintain them in their school of origin.

MCAH-Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness
Statewide coalition that coordinates resources and information regarding homelessness.  Administers HMIS Service Point.

MEAP-Michigan Energy Assistance Program
Utility funding for the state of Michigan

MSHDA-Michigan State Housing Development Authority
A funding source, passes through federal funds and provides state funds.

NOFA-Notice of Funding Availability
Request for proposal

SUPER NOFA-multiple requests for proposals
Release of multiple grant opportunities by HUD

NSP-Neighborhood Stabilization Program
HUD funded, part of Neighborhood Revitalization Program

NPO-Non Profit Organization

State funded outreach program for mentally ill, homeless or at risk households.

PBV-Project Based Voucher
Federal rental subsidy program tied to a participating complex (similar to HCV)

PSH-Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent rental subsidy program through HUD for someone that is chronically homeless and disabled.

PHA-Public Housing Authority

PHC-Project Homeless Connect

PIT-Point In Time
A count mandated by HUD annually to capture the number of sheltered and un-sheltered homeless people in the county during a 24-hour period.  Will typically be done the last Wednesday in January.

Rental assistance for someone that is at imminent risk of homelessness.

QSOBAA-Qualified Service Organization Business Associate Agreement
Agency sharing agreement for HMIS

RHY-Runaway and Homeless Youth

RRH-Rapid Rehousing
Short-term Rental subsidy program for those that are literally homeless

Counties that are grouped together to share information and communicate with MSHDA through their CoC representatives. Still regionalized but know longer meets as a formal body.

HUD data base for entering CoC APR’s

SER-State Emergency Relief
DHHS application to apply for emergency funds through their agency.

HMIS software used in the state of Michigan  

SIM-State Innovation Model

SOAR-Social Security Outreach Access Recovery
Expedited filing and appeals for social security for those that are homeless and disabled.

SHP-Supportive Housing Programs (now called CoC grants)
HUD money accessed through the Continuum of Care

SPDAT-Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool

SSI-Supplemental Security Income

SSDI-Social Security Disability Insurance

SSO-Supportive Services Only
Housing case management for those not enrolled in a CoC program

SSVF-Supportive Services for Veterans and Families
VA funded rental assistance for homeless or at risk veterans.

group of members responsible for the membership and direction of the CoC.

TBRA-Tennant Based Rental Assistance

TH-Transitional Housing
24 month rental subsidy program for someone that is literally homeless

TTP-Total Tennant Payment

UFA-Unified Funding Agency
HUD related, the fiduciary for the county on a grant

UDE-Universal Data Elements

VA-US Dept of Veterans Affairs

VAMC-VA Medical Center

VASH-Veteran Supported Housing
Federally funded subsidy program for homeless veterans

VI-SPDAT-Vulnerability Index Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool